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Why Ukrainians Are Fighting So Well With Former US Army Green Beret Liam Collins
A Discussion on the War in Ukraine with Liam Collins
US retired Colonel Liam Collins joins CGTN Europe
Retired Colonel Liam Collins joins CGTN Europe
Max Brooks Breaks Down Why Ukraine’s Fight Affects Us All with Evelyn N. Farkas, Ph.D
Max Brooks, with Prof. Lionel Beehner, Breaks Down How Russian Mothers Could End the War
This Former Soldier Reveals What He & His Team Encountered In A Cave In Afghanistan
U.S. Green Berets Help Train Latvian Special Forces in Europe against Russia
Max Brooks on bullets vs blunt weapons
This island kept a dark secret until 2004 (*MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY*)
Untold Extraordinary Miltary Service Stories | Talks at Google
How a Lie Starts in Putin’s Brain & Comes Out Tucker Carlson’s Mouth | Clint Watts Interview Part 1